Aurora Dance Ensemble

 Junior Ensemble (minimum age is 9 years old)
 Senior Ensemble

Ensemble members must present a mature approach to classes, performances and rehearsals as well as a dedication to dance. This includes appropriately managing their time to ensure that all family, school, and company commitments are met. Dancers will be expected to arrive on time and be prepared for all classes, rehearsals, and performances, and are expected to follow all studio rules, including dress codes. They must demonstrate a clear understanding of dance vocabulary, theatre etiquette, and skill in teaching and fostering younger and/or less experienced dancers. Language, behavior, and overall personal appearance should, and will be of the highest quality both in the studio and at any studio related function.

What’s involved? :

*Ensemble is a YEAR-long commitment

*Ensemble dancers are required to attend additional rehearsals every week and participate in studio and community performances.

*Dancers are required to take a minimum number of classes:
Ballet is required of all Ensemble members
Junior Company: Three Core Classes*
Senior Company: Three Core Classes*
(*core classes: Ballet, Hip Hop, Jazz, Tap, Contemporary)
Pointe/Pre-Pointe is NOT a Core Class

*Dancers are required to maintain a 3.0-grade point average and provide grade reports throughout the semester.  Dancers with non-compliant grades will be removed from pieces and put into an understudy/probation status.

*Ensemble Dancers must purchase clothing items and shoes to fulfill company requirements.

*Ensemble members may miss no more than 3 rehearsals or classes per semester. All missed classes require a make-up class to be completed within three weeks of the absence.

* If you have planned absences or schedule conflicts due to vacations, school sports, etc.  Please bring a written list of those dates/times to auditions with a plan on how to make-up missed classes to be compliant with the Ensemble Contract.   

2024-2025 Auditions:
August 21st  5:00pm-7:00pm
7:00-7:30pm mandatory parent/dancer meeting

All interested dancers must be present at auditions. Please bring a dance resume (classes, performances, related experiences) and a 5×7 vertical color headshot.  Dancers should wear all black (snug fitting-no baggy clothing) and bring all dance shoes. Hair should be in a secured bun.